Before Piano Across America, I Tried 17 Other Ideas...

Dotan negrin street pianist piano street

(The Photo above was taken in 2010 on my first solo Road trip across America. I was working as an assistant and truck driver for a Photographer. This was the first inspiration for Piano Across America.)

After college (

May 2008

), I had so many ideas and things that I wanted to do in my life. Graduating with a BFA in Theater, I started Auditioning for Union and Non-union gigs in New York City.

I was working various jobs at the same time. I spread myself too thin and didn’t have the time to devote to everything. Eventually I had to make sacrifices and throw out ideas.

Here are some of the things I tried after college.

  • Start a Theater company- ‘08
  • Write my own Screenplay -‘08
  • Auditioned for acting jobs all over NYC - ‘08-‘09
  • Ebay business: selling shoes and clothes - ‘08-present
  • The Creative Forum: An artists group-‘08
  • Internship at Stuart Howard Casting- ‘09
  • A Web Show about the best places to visit in NYC- ‘09
  • Day Trading in stock market -‘09
  • Create a web series about a group of 4 20-somethings in NYC -‘09
  • Create a Youtube channel and start making funny videos every week -‘09
  • The Shakespeare Forum: An actors Shakespeare group-‘09
  • Create a one man show with the piano and multiple characters-‘09
  • Internship at Avalon Artists Group Agency -‘09
  • 4 small non-Union theater works -‘08-‘10
  • Assistant for Photographer as a truck driver -‘10
  • Started DJing again to get jobs at local bars/clubs -‘10
  • Created a Blog about Piano music ‘10
  • April 4, 2011- Piano Across America

If at first you dont succeed, try and try again until you do.

I wrote this to show the importance of self exploration and pushing yourself to discover your true passion. Dont settle for mediocrity.