My Latest Adventures

Since I started Live Streaming on Periscope, Amazing Things have been Happening to me!

Since I started Live Streaming on Periscope, Amazing Things have been Happening to me!

I started using Periscope on a daily basis about 2 months ago and since then incredible things have been happening to me. 

Making music on the streets is one of the best ways to meet people and over the course of 5 years I've made hundreds of friends all over the world. 

I Surprised my Biggest Fan!

I took my mom on a roadtrip from NYC to Colorado to see the wonderful mountains and in between I stopped in Oklahoma to visit my biggest fan! 

I've been speaking with Ame for a few months and she is really passionate about the piano and about doing something extraordinary with her life. I showed up, we talked about life and going to college, and then we played some piano! Enjoy!